vision and strategy


To contribute to the success of our customers, designing and manufacturing products of EXCELLENCE, based on accuracy, innovation and differentiation.


Maintaining global leadership through the fulfilment of our mission, and respect for our values.


Correction and accuracy to customers, suppliers, competitors and between all internal structures in the organization. Social responsibility. Preservation of nature, as a condition for a sustainable future.

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Management System Policy:

The Integrated Management System Policy of FEPSA is a guiding principle that transcends the entire Organization, which aims to increase value to Customers and Partners and promote the service of excellence.

The implementation of the quality, environment, occupational health and safety policy is guided by:

Guarantee the satisfaction and loyalty of Customers, through the fulfillment of the requirements, needs and expectations

Comply with the compliance obligations applicable to activities, products and services in relation to the environment and safety and health at work, including requirements of relevant Interested Parts.

Protect the environment by preventing pollution through minimizing the environmental impacts associated with FEPSA activity, as well as, rationalizing the consumption of natural resources.

To actively promote the safety and health of workers by preventing injuries and health hazards by identifying hazards and assessing and controlling the occupational hazards to which they are subject and by involving everyone in the performance of safety and health at work.

To influence, as far as possible and in the course of their activities, relevant Interested Parts regarding their environmental aspects and hazards and risks in the area of occupational safety and health.

Promote and develop the skills and competencies of our employees, as well as the accountability of the activities they carry out.

Continuously improve the performance of the Integrated Management System in order to ensure the sustainability of the business through resource management.

FEPSA is Certified for Quality and Environmental Management System

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