Project number POCI-01-0247-FEDER-011205
Support under the Incentive System for Research and Technological Development
Project Designation: Ultra-Light Felt .: New generation of light felts
Object: Strengthen research, technological development and innovation;
Location: São João da Madeira
Total Eligible Cost: 575.971,12€
European Union financial support: 254.073,36€
Project summary
Fepsa – Feltros Portugueses, S.A. is a company dedicated to the manufacture and sale of fur felts and wool for the hats industry.
In addition to the development of the new Ultra Light Felt product, the present R & D project includes the experimental development of a prototype of universal felting test equipment in order to allow technical and scientific advances in the felting process. The project ends the development of a new process (technology and methodology) that allows the manufacture of a new felt with a substantial reduction in weight.
The present project structures a set of activities of industrial research and experimental development (R & D) that, through the raising of new knowledge in the process of felting and the development of capacities of interference in critical variables of the process, will allow to reach the new and disruptive ambition level of innovation in felt.
Thus, in order of relevance: